Vorak Stormfang | Male Orc Name

Character Profile

  • Name: Vorak Stormfang
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6'5" (196 cm)
  • Build: Muscular and imposing
  • Eye Color: Dark red
  • Skin Color: Dark green


Orc Warrior

Combat Tactics

Vorak utilizes his great strength and agility in battle, wielding a massive battle axe with deadly precision.

He is known for his fierce and relentless fighting style, often overwhelming his opponents with sheer ferocity.

Abilities and Traits

  1. Enhanced Strength: Vorak possesses incredible physical strength, allowing him to overpower his enemies and wield heavy weapons effortlessly.
  2. Bloodlust: In the heat of battle, Vorak's rage fuels his combat prowess, increasing his speed and ferocity.
  3. Metalworking Skills: Unlike most orcs, Vorak has a talent for crafting and shaping metal, creating intricate weapons and armor for himself and his tribe.
  4. Heightened Senses: Vorak's senses are sharper than most orcs, making him a skilled tracker and scout.
  5. Iron Will: Despite his brutal nature, Vorak has a strong sense of honor and loyalty to his tribe, allowing him to resist mental manipulation and endure extreme physical pain.
  6. Cultural and Background Information

    Vorak hails from the Blood Moon Tribe, a fierce and warlike clan known for their unwavering loyalty to their chieftain. As a young orc, Vorak witnessed his father's death in a brutal battle against a rival tribe, sparking a deep-seated desire for vengeance and redemption.

    Through years of training and solitary reflection, Vorak honed his skills as a warrior and smith, earning a fearsome reputation among his people. Despite his intimidating appearance, Vorak is respected for his wisdom and cunning mind, often consulted for strategic advice by the chieftain.

    Unlike many orcs, Vorak harbors a deep curiosity about other races and cultures, often seeking out knowledge and artifacts from distant lands. This has led to conflicts within his tribe, as some view his interest in the outside world as a betrayal of orcish traditions.

    Vorak's ultimate goal is to unite the warring tribes of orcs under one banner, forging a powerful alliance that can withstand the threats of the world. He dreams of a future where orcs are no longer seen as monsters, but as noble warriors and craftsmen worthy of respect.