Ovida | Female Orc Name

Character Profile

  • Name: Ovida
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 6 feet tall (183 cm)
  • Build: Muscular and broad-shouldered
  • Eye Color: Amber
  • Skin Color: Dark green



Combat Tactics

Ovida excels in close combat, wielding her massive double-headed battleaxe with precision and strength. She prefers to charge head-on into the fray, using her size and power to overpower opponents. However, she is also skilled at evasive maneuvers, expertly ducking and weaving to avoid enemy strikes.

Abilities and Traits

  1. Bloodrage: Ovida possesses the rare ability to enter a state of bloodrage, enhancing her strength, speed, and endurance for a short period of time. During this state, her physical abilities are greatly heightened, making her an even more formidable opponent.
  2. Keen Senses: Ovida has incredibly sharp senses, particularly her hearing and sense of smell. This allows her to detect enemies or danger from a distance, giving her an advantage in combat or when tracking down prey.
  3. Resilient Constitution: Ovida's orcish heritage grants her a naturally strong constitution, enabling her to withstand attacks that would cripple or incapacitate others. She has an impressive endurance and an ability to recover swiftly from injuries.
  4. Intimidating Presence: Ovida's imposing physical appearance and fierce demeanor make her intimidating to those who face her in battle. Her presence alone can often be enough to instill fear in her enemies, giving her an advantage in combat situations.
  5. Strategic Mind: While Orcs are not typically known for their tactical prowess, Ovida possesses a strategic mind. She has a knack for assessing battle situations quickly and devising effective plans to overcome her opponents.

Cultural and Background Information

Ovida hails from the Bloodfang tribe, a renowned and feared orcish tribe that has a long-standing rivalry with the neighboring Thunderhoof centaurs. The Bloodfang tribe is known for their fierce warriors and their unwavering loyalty to their chieftain.

Ovida's pivotal event came when she witnessed her father's death in a battle against the Thunderhoof centaurs. This loss instilled within her a deep desire for revenge and an unyielding determination to prove herself as a warrior. She trained tirelessly, honing her combat skills and developing her unique abilities to become the strongest warrior in her tribe.

Unlike other tribes, the Bloodfang orcs place value on the strength and equality of all members, regardless of gender. Ovida's ambitions are fueled by her desire to rise to a leadership position within her tribe and ensure that the Bloodfang orcs are respected and feared by all who encounter them. She seeks to unite her tribe and forge alliances with other orcish tribes, ultimately becoming a leader that commands respect and strikes fear into the hearts of their enemies.